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Information for foreign visitors

The IMFES's external cooperation

The Institute of Middle and Far East Studies (IMFES) has extensive links with several dozen universities and other strategic partners throughout the world, such as Confucius Institute, Korea Foundation, EMUNI Foundation or Anna Lindh Foundation.

Through its network of global partnerships, the Institute engages in a wide range of activities, including staff and student exchange and collaboration in research and teaching.

The Institute of Middle and Far East Studies is actively looking for additional exchange partners to provide new and exciting opportunities for students and academic staff.

Information for Erasmus students

The International Students Office, as the admissions office of the Jagiellonian University, provides information and counseling for foreign students wishing to study at this institution.

Address and contact person:International Students Office, The Erasmus Programme,25 Straszewskiego Street, First Floor, Room 3,31-113 Krakow

Krzysztof Byrski MA,
phone: (+48 12) 663 1546
fax: (+48 12) 663 1545
email: erasmus@adm.uj.edu.pl

Course offer

ERASMUS students may attend all courses taught in Polish and the non-degree programs in English free of charge. Courses taught in English in the framework of fee-paying degree programs are available only for a limited number of Erasmus students. For information about available courses, see course offer:



Please leave application form in our secretary' office

2a Oleandry Street,
30-063 Krakow
e-mail: sekretariat@orient.uj.edu.pl