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Seminar "Beyond the Israel-Hamas War: Arab-Israeli Relations in a Wider Context"

London School of Economics, 11 June 2024

The recent step in the dissemination of the results of our research was participation of prof. Joanna Dyduch and dr. Artur Skorek in the seminar "Beyond the Israel-Hamas War: Arab-Israeli Relations in a Wider Context" organised by Amnon Aran, Visiting Professor at the LSE Middle East Centre and Professor of International Relations at City, University of London and Dr Toby Greene, Visiting Fellow at the LSE Middle East Centre and Lecturer in the Political Studies Department at Bar Ilan University. 


The war that began on October 7, which has exacted a horrific human and physical toll, is a searing and irreversible turning point in the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians, with broad regional ramifications. The conflict has evolved into a multi-front war with active participation of actors in Lebanon, Syria and Yemen, as well as US intervention. The aim of this interdisciplinary workshop was to understand these events in the context of the longer-term trajectory of Arab-Israeli relations, which are exhibiting intractable conflict in tandem with a shift towards normalisation and cooperation. Informed by a multidisciplinary perspective, contributors engaged with immediate and longer-term questions relating to Arab Israeli relations. The workshop was rooted in a commitment towards interdisciplinarity, theoretical pluralism and methodological diversity, and to providing a safe space for discussion. 


During the seminar, we presented the paper "Israeli-Arab Energy Cooperation: Towards Desecuratization?" 



Over twenty years ago Barry Buzan and Ole Weaver defined the Middle East as a perennial conflict formation and still security considerations are especially relevant to the actors of the region. Literature on a public debate in Israel describes many cases of securitization (or even as Uri Abulof contends – deep securitization). At the same time, in recent years we could have identified desecuritization trends in relations between Israel and (some) Arab states. One dimension of this change related to energy policies. 

The main aim of the presentation was to assess the intensity of desecuritization of the energy cooperation between Israel and other states in the Middle East. We explored the developments in the Egypt-Israel gas cooperation, the initial stages of the Jordan-Israel projects (water-for-energy deal, Dead Sea project), prospects for cooperation of Israel with the Gulf States, and prospects for the Gaza Marine development. Analysis of these issues produced insights into how and to what extent the energy sphere is prone to desecuritization processes. We especially wanted to enquire to what extent, if at all, the war in Gaza started by the Hamas attack in 2023 has already influenced the aforementioned trends and if we can envisage any lasting effects of it. 


The seminar produced many insightful discussions and initiated efforts to finalize this important debate by publishing its results. The final effect of the event will be a special issue in an internationally recognized academic journal that will be devoted to the topic of the seminar and will collect papers presented by its participants. 


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Roundtable: Energy security in the third decade of the 21st Century. Challanges and opportunities.

Roundtable: Energy security in the third decade of the 21st Century. Challanges and opportunities.

Pani dr hab. Joanna Dyduch, prof. UJ została zaproszona do udziału w panelu dyskusyjnym pt. "Okrągły Stół: Bezpieczeństwo energetyczne w trzeciej dekadzie XXI wieku - wyzwania i możliwości", w którym wezmą udział eksperci: prof. Thiem Hai Bui (Faculty of Political Economy, University of Economics and Business, Vietnam National University, Hano), prof. Sławomir Raszewski (MSc Oil and Gas Management, University of East London) oraz jako moderator prof. Marcin Grabowski (CISAD).

Dyskusja została przygotowana przez Centre for International Studies and Development oraz Polskie Towarzystwo Studiów Międzynarodowych (oddział w Krakowie) i odbędzie się dnia 21 marca 2024 roku w godz. 13.00 - 14.30, w budynku Wydziału Studiów Międzynarodowych i Politycznych w Krakowie przy ul. Reymonta 4, pok. 207. 

Panel dyskusyjny skoncentruje się na kluczowych wyzwaniach dotyczących bezpieczeństwa energetycznego w trzeciej dekadzie XXI wieku oraz możliwościach ich rozwiązania. Eksperci z różnych dziedzin, w tym nauk społecznych, polityki energetycznej, ekonomii i inżynierii, omówią aktualne i prognozowane zmiany w sektorze energetycznym, takie jak transformacja energetyczna, konkurencja o zasoby paliw kopalnych i pierwiastki ziem rzadkich (REE), oraz kontrola nad liniami komunikacyjnymi i sieciami przesyłowymi. Dyskusja będzie prowadzona w kontekście globalnym, uwzględniając różnice regionalne oraz wpływ decyzji politycznych na kształtowanie bezpieczeństwa energetycznego na całym świecie. Celem panelu będzie identyfikacja kluczowych wyzwań oraz poszukiwanie innowacyjnych rozwiązań i współpracy międzynarodowej w celu zabezpieczenia stabilności i zrównoważenia w sektorze energetycznym.

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Decisiveness in Domestic Public Policies: Case Studies of Israeli Gas Field Development and COVID-19 Pandemic Response - dr Artur Skorek

Decisiveness in Domestic Public Policies: Case Studies of Israeli Gas Field Development and COVID-19 Pandemic Response - dr Artur Skorek

We are excited to announce that Dr Artur Skorek has recently published an article in the prestigous Special Issue of ‘Israel Studies Review’. Congratulations!

The article titled ‘Decisiveness in Domestic Public Policies: Case Studies of Israeli Gas Field Development and COVID-19 Pandemic Response’ by dr Artur Skorek is a result of the OPUS 22 research project ‘Energy security and growing international interdependence. Israeli energy policy in transition’ funded by the National Science Centre and conducted under the supervision of Prof. Joanna Dyduch.

The article ‘argues that [Israeli] state identity also manifests itself in the domestic sphere and presents case studies of two such manifestations. The first pertains to the development of Israeli offshore gas fields in the Eastern Mediterranean while the second deals with the country's COVID-19 pandemic containment strategy. The two cases are similar in the decisive and extraordinary character of the measures that the government attempted to use. At the same time, in the first case study this attempt was mostly unsuccessful and only in the second case the decisive stance was effectively implemented’. The full text is available in Open Access and may be found here.

This research was funded by the National Science Centre in Poland (grant 2021/43/B/HS5/00780).

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"Israel Studies Review" -

"Israel Studies Review" -

We are pleased to announce the publication of the prestigious Special Issue of ‘Israel Studies Review’ covering Public Policy in Israel. The issue was co-edited by the employees of the Institute of the Middle and Far East, Prof. Joanna Dyduch and Dr Artur Skorek. Congratulations!

As we read in the Introduction:

„The contributions in this Special Issue offer an in-depth reflection on how the Israeli government and other state institutions define principles, rules, and guidelines established to address specific problems (…). Acknowledging that public policies are developed and implemented first and foremost to achieve specific objectives, the authors examined carefully and critically the shape, content, and development trends of specific public policies. They also constructively assess adopted policy solutions and offer new policies”.

Learn more on Volume 38 (2023): Issue 3 (Dec 2023): Special Issue: Public Policy in Israel in ‘Israel Studies Review’ by following the link.

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Joanna Dyduch was hosted by the Institute for Leadership and Strategic Studies, at the University of North Georgia (UNG) from March 30 – April 7, 2023.

During her stay, Prof. Dyduch participated in the annual Security Symposium hosted by UNG on the theme “Human Security Challenges: Past - Present – Future.” Dr. Dyduch participated as a panelist with a paper presentation titled "Why Individuals Matter. The Case of ‘Human Security’ Perception in the Light of the Securitization and De-securitization of Israeli Energy Policy." She also discussed potential academic cooperation between the Jagiellonian University and UNG during her visit. Furthermore, Prof. Dyduch discussed the potential of collaboration on a research project concerning energy security from the perspective of transatlantic cooperation.

To download 1 Short description of the Symposium 

To download 2 Programme of the Symposium


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Joanna Dyduch and Artur Skorek participated in the 11th Convention of the Polish Association for International Studies (PTSM) titled "New international order?" („Nowy ład międzynarodowy?”), which took place at the University of Wrocław on November 24–25, 2022.

The annual PTSM convention is the most important academic event in Poland devoted to international studies. This year's edition was devoted to changes in the global order and including its economic dimension. Prof. Joanna Dyduch presented a paper titled "Dependence, interdependence and independence in the logic of Israeli energy policy in the international dimension", in which she presented the strategic dimension of Israel's energy policy. The presentation of Dr. Artur Skorek's was titled "Israel as a Western country? On the condition of the informal American-Israeli alliance”. It was also devoted to the economic dimension of Israel-US cooperation, including the extraction of hydrocarbons from the Eastern Mediterranean basin.