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REGISTRATION FOR OPTIONAL COURSES autumn semester of the academic year 2024 / 2025

REGISTRATION FOR OPTIONAL COURSES  autumn semester of the academic year 2024 / 2025


REGISTRATION FOR OPTIONAL COURSES autumn semester of the academic year 2024 / 2025



AUTUMN SEMESTER 2024 / 2025 




We kindly inform you that enrolment for optional courses for eligible students, i.e.: 

all full-time students studying in the Institute of Middle and Far East Studies 

(apart from 1st year students of full-time studies, specialization of Far East Studies and Middle East Studies, first degree) 

students of the Centre for Comparative Studies of Civilisation 

students of the ERASMUS Programme  


In Usos the registration is available under the code: KBDW_24/25Z_MONANG 

will be held on the following dates: 

Registration deadlines: 

First round: from 9.09.2024 hrs 18:00 till 26.09.2024 hrs 23:59 

Second round: from 29.09.2024 hrs 18:00 till 6.10.2024 hrs 23:59 


During the first round – all eligible students will be able to enrol themselves as well as to deregister themselves from optional courses. 


During the second round - all eligible students will be able to enrol themselves. There will be no possibility to deregister from optional courses.  During the second round the registration will be opened only for courses for which the limit will not be completed or where limits will be extended.  

Students enrolling for the course via online registration are obliged to attach this course on the date on which they enrolled themselves for it. Students who do not attach the course will automatically be deregistered from it on the next data migration. 

There is no possibility to enrol for or deregister from courses at other times than specified above.  Any applications for registration for monographic courses or deregistration from these courses will not be considered. 

Students who will not enrol for a sufficient number of courses or will forget to deregister, have to take into account all the consequences of this fact. 

We would like to remind you that the resignation from the necessity to pass the subject for which the student has already been registered is possible only by self-deregistration within the dates given above. The option “resignation from passing” available in USOS and applied so far by students, concerns only the courses realised as a part of free tokens in the Jagiellonian Language Centre. Using this option does not result in exemption from the necessity to pass the course. 

Please, make well-thought-out decisions. 

12.06.2024 roku - wybory do rady Instytutu wśród nauczycieli nieposiadających stopnia doktora habilitowanego

12.06.2024 roku - wybory do rady Instytutu wśród nauczycieli nieposiadających stopnia doktora habilitowanego

Zapraszamy na wykłady dr A. Blouchoutzi (Uniwersytet Macedoński)

Zapraszamy na wykłady dr A. Blouchoutzi (Uniwersytet Macedoński)

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10.05.2024 odwołanie zajęć M. Yamazoe

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06.05.2024-08.05.2024 odwołanie zajęć dr. J. Guzik