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Annual Asia and the Middle East Conference. Conflict and Cooperation in the Independent World

Annual Asia and the Middle East Conference. Conflict and Cooperation in the Independent World


Is interdependent world becoming more cooperative? Let's talk about it!

The Second “Annual Asia and the Middle East Conference” will be held at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland on 11th-13th April 2018. The event, organized under the theme “Conflict and Cooperation in the Interdependent World” will be hosted by the Institute of Middle and Far East of Jagiellonian University – known for Asian Studies programme, which connects features of both social studies and humanities and offers the Middle East modules as well as four modules pertaining to the issues of Far East: China, Japan, Korea, India and South Asia.

The “Annual Asia and the Middle East Conference” aims at creating a platform of communication between academia and expert community to broaden the understanding of political processes in Eurasia. We hope to widen knowledge on such issues as international trade and politics, international rivalry and conflicts, geopolitical power shifts and its regional manifestations. We intend to create a unique event, that will offer both knowledge as well as a presentation of newest and inspiring research for the participants. We hope to widen knowledge on such issues as international trade and politics, international rivalry and conflicts, geopolitical power shifts and its regional manifestations. Among the topics we would like to explore during the conference are China-Russia relations, Eurasian perspectives on US leadership, tensions in the Persian Gulf and North Korean crisis.


Place: The Jagiellonian University Museum Collegium Maius (1st day)

           Jagiellonian Library (2nd and 3rd day)

Conference Programme