перейти до основного змісту

Відображення мережевого вмісту Відображення мережевого вмісту

Відображення мережевого вмісту Відображення мережевого вмісту

KOREAN STUDIES (MA, Double Degree Programme)

  • Field of study: Korean Studies
  • Programme type: graduate (second-cycle)
  • Programme mode: full-time
  • Language of instruction: English
  • Title: Master (Double Degree)
  • Number of semestres/years: 4/2
  • Tuition fee: 1800 EUR per one academic year
  • ​Important links: Registration for the candidates

The curriculum includes courses specific for Korean Studies. Specialised courses are in the curriculum from the very first semester. Students are introduced to the specificity of Korean Peninsula in historical, philosophical, religious aspects, as well as to political and economic processes of the region. Learning the Korean language is a crucial part of the education process.

The first year of studies takes place at the Jagiellonian University , and the second – at the Keimyung University in South Korea. In the second year, students are required to complete the master’s thesis. Graduates shall be awarded two diplomas: “MA in Korean Studies” at the Keimyung University, and “magister in the field of Asian Studies, specialization: Korean Studies” at the Jagiellonian University.

Graduates have knowledge about history, culture, politics and economy of Korea. They know the Korean language on the level facilitating communication as well as the use of media materials and primary sources. Our graduates can work in national and international corporations and institutions, including those primarily involved in working with Korea. They also have the ability to work in the cultural divisions of public administration, cultural institutions, publishing houses, media, etc. 

After graduation, PhD programmes in Social Sciences and Humanities are available.


The teaching staff of JU



Major Field of Study

Czekalska, Renata


Cultural Studies

Ciemniewski, Marcin


Cultural Studies







Wilczyński, Tomasz 


Teaching Korean as a Foreign Language

Talaga, Jan





Cultural Studies

 Kim, Reesul



Jacalska, Marta



Kaliszuk, Sara MA Lector





The teaching staff of KMU
Name Final University Degree Major Field of Study
Van Lieu, Joshua John University of Washington PhD Korean Studies (History)
Lee, Janet Yoon-Sun University of California at Los Angeles PhD  Korean Literature
Kobyakova, Uliana The Academy of Korean Studies PhD Classical Literature
Yoo, Weon Ki

University of Bristol

Sungkyunkwan University


Western Philosophy

Eastern Philosophy

Kim, Seon Jung University of London PhD

Linguistics (Contrastive Linguistics / Pronunciation)

Seo, Jung Soo University of New South Wales PhD

Trade Statistics

International Economy

Schopf, James Christopher University of California, San Diego PhD Political Science






1. Information about dormitory facilities in Poland - here

2. Information about dormitory facilities in Korea and application here

Base information about dormitory facilities in English here