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Associate Professor

Ewa Trojnar, PhD

Ewa Trojnar, PhD

Office hours:

Thursday 13.15-14.00, room no. 3.10




Functions and activities:
  • Vice-Dean for Educational Affaires, Faculty of International and Political Studies
  • Head of Department of Japan, Institute of Middle and Far East
  • Vice-Head of the Discipline Council of International Relations


Short bio:

Ewa Trojnar is a professor at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow. She is a researcher and a teacher of International Relations in Asia. Ewa holds her PhD degree in Political Science and MA in Economics. She is engaged in the research and educational projects with an intention to establish better understanding between Asia and Europe. Ewa is an enthusiast of field work, she has already spent several years in Asia. Currently, she is coordinating a research project on health diplomacy. As Vice-Dean for Educational Affairs at the Faculty of International and Political Studies, Ewa is motivating student to learn and facilitating academic programs development.



  • (2022) Taiwan under Tsai Ing-wen: Democracy Diplomacy (with Ł. Gacek and R. Kwieciński), Peter Lang, Berlin 2022, pp. 260.


  • (2020) Security Dilemmas and Challenges in 21st Century Asia (with O. Barbasiewicz and M. Grabowski), Peter Lang, Berlin 2020, pp. 226.
  • (2019) Taiwan’s Exceptionalism (with A. Rudakowska and A. W. Ziętek), WUJ, Kraków 2019, pp. 224.
  • (2014) China in the Beginning of the 21st Century (with Ł. Gacek), WUJ, Kraków, pp. 136. (2012) The Taiwan Issues, Księgarnia Akademicka, Kraków, pp. 158.


Scientific papers:

  • (2020) 波蘭右翼政治中的女性 (Women in Right‐wing Politics in Poland), 歐亞研究 (Eurasian Studies Quarterly), 2020, nr 10, pp. 59−70.
  • (2016) ‘Who is a Political Newcomer? The Taiwanese Voters’ Perspective: 2016,’ (with A. Rudakowska), Hemispheres. Studies on Cultures and Societies, 2016, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 68−78.
  • (2016) ‘Taiwan’s Economic Security in the Context of Cross-Strait Interdependence,’ TEKA of the Commission of Political Science and International Affairs, 2016, no. 11/1, pp. 139−149.
  • (2014) ‘Taiwan’s Trade Relations in the Asia-Pacific: Its Current Role and Future Challenges,’ Research Papers of the Wrocław University of Economics, 2014, no. 370, pp. 197−207.
  • (2014) ‘East Asian Authoritarian Regimes in the Context of the Arab Spring,’ Hemispheres. Studies on Cultures and Societies, 2014, vol. 29, no. 3, pp. 103–120.
  • (2013) ‘ECFA and its implications for China – Taiwan relations,’ Research Papers of the Wrocław University of Economics, 2013, no. 294, pp. 88−97.
  • (2011) ‘The Challenge of Building a Multi-Ethnic State in Malaysia’ (with D. Sofjan), Hemispheres. Studies on Cultures and Societies, 2011, vol. 26, pp. 147−161.

Chapters in monographs:

  • (2020) O. Barbasiewicz, M. Grabowski, E. Trojnar, ‘Changing Security Dynamics in the Indo-Pacific,’ (in:) Security Dilemmas and Challenges in 21st Century Asia, O. Barbasiewicz, M. Grabowski, E. Trojnar (eds.), Peter Lang, Berlin 2020, pp. 11−22.
  • (2019) ‘Taiwan-China-United States Relations: Taiwan’s Unique Safe House for Better or Worse’ (in:) Taiwan’s Exceptionalism, A. Rudakowska, E. Trojnar, A. W. Ziętek (eds.), WUJ, Kraków 2019, pp. 53−78.
  • (2019) A. Rudakowska, E. Trojnar, A.W. Ziętek, ‘Unpacking Taiwan’s Exceptionalism: Themes and Studies’ (in:) Taiwan’s Exceptionalism, A. Rudakowska, E. Trojnar, A. W. Ziętek (eds.), WUJ, Kraków 2019, pp. 7−18.

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